Andy Kettle

GBC Annual General Meeting

1:48 pm

Please see below an invitation from the Club Secretary for the AGM which is due to be held on Sunday 1st August starting at 10 am prompt.

It would be nice to see as many full paid-up members attend as possible.

Hope to see as many of you there as possible […]


8:45 pm

Evening all,

It’s great to see the club open and seeing people!!!

It’s also nice to see you all out on your various watercraft, BUT we have recently been sent some familiarisation from the MOD (ministry of defence) regarding the restrictions around Shoeburyness…

Could you all take a short while to read through the following and familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations in the specified area.

MOD Shoeburyness – Public Safety Information: Prohibited Beaches and Foreshore
With summer approaching, it’s time to remind local watersports clubs of the existence of the Ministry […]

GBC Membership 2021/2022

12:53 pm

GBC Membership 2021/2022
It has come to that time of year again to renew your membership for the forthcoming year.

Whilst we reflect on the past year, it has been somewhat different to what we could have ever imagined. Like everyone and everything else, the club has been put under immense strain with the upkeep and running through these difficult times. Moving forward, after a price freeze on membership last year, there have been some slight changes for the next membership year as detailed below. We acknowledge the high reduction in the use of the facilities, and this has […]

GBC Update & Notices

12:51 pm

Members –

What a strange year it’s been hey! Well, the good news is that the road out of lockdown is looking evermore positive and we hope to get back to some sort of normality as rules and restrictions are eased.

The committee (rule of 6) have had a meeting, getting some plans in place to get the club open for you at the earliest and safest opportunity. But in the meantime, the club’s facilities remain out of use at present and foreseeable based on the government guidelines.

Dumper trucks are available to use as normal, but please continue […]