The deadline for membership renewals is fast approaching. You have until the end of Sunday 5th of June to respond, after such time late admin fees will be applied. If you intend on renewing your membership, please contact the club membership officer before the deadline if you are unable to make it to the club.
Club keys:-
If you have not renewed your club membership or have switched to a social membership, please could you return your keys to the club asap as we have full members on the waiting list for these keys. If you can’t make it to the club, please contact the membership officer to organise the safe return of the keys in another way.
Gunfleet Boating Club will be having their AGM meeting in the not too distant future. This is the time when the committee members will be elected for the coming year 2022/2023. If you would like to have the chance of becoming a committee member there are several roles that are available to be filled. More than one person can be nominated for each position and a vote will be conducted at the AGM to determine the outcome for each role. There is a whiteboard in the club where you can put your name forward, but if you would like to know more information, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the current committee for details.